
Instructor: José Manuel Marcos
29/03/2021 18:30 - 20:00 (Madrid)

World Autism Awareness Day. ARASAAC's contribution over the past decade

With the creation of the ARASAAC portal by the Government of Aragon, people with autism, their families and the professionals who work with them have been able to get free access to high quality pictograms with which to create numerous materials and design intervention projects. This has undoubtedly marked a before and after for everybody, by providing free access to a set of resources with their own identity, responding to the cognitive and communicative needs of many people with ASD. José Manuel Marcos and David Romero have been at the forefront of ARASAAC since its origins and will accompany us in this webinar to share, from their experience, how ARASAAC has influenced the specialized intervention in Autism, helping to create visibility for people with ASD and generating a meeting point for professionals and families.