
12/04/2021 18:30 - 20:00 (Madrid)

Technological resources for Augmentative Communication

The development and popularization of mobile technologies has been a huge contribution for those who require Augmentative and/or Alternative Communication Systems in their daily lives. Many people with autism make use of such systems based primarily on using images to relate to other people. This webinapp will explain the starting points needed to use such resources in specialized intervention, discuss the most widely used methodologies and show examples of widely used applications in this field.

29/03/2021 18:30 - 20:00 (Madrid)

World Autism Awareness Day. ARASAAC's contribution over the past decade

With the creation of the ARASAAC portal by the Government of Aragon, people with autism, their families and the professionals who work with them have been able to get free access to high quality pictograms with which to create numerous materials and design intervention projects. This has undoubtedly marked a before and after for everybody, by providing free access to a set of resources with their own identity, responding to the cognitive and communicative needs of many people with ASD. José Manuel Marcos and David Romero have been at the forefront of ARASAAC since its origins and will accompany us in this webinar to share, from their experience, how ARASAAC has influenced the specialized intervention in Autism, helping to create visibility for people with ASD and generating a meeting point for professionals and families.

08/03/2021 18:30 - 20:00 (Madrid)

Structured teaching, a key in the intervention with people with ASD. Basics and digital support tools.

Based on knowledge of the characteristics of autism, and individual evaluation, something distinctive about the TEACCH program is that it places special emphasis on fostering their interests and skills, trying to promote the greater possibility of the autonomy of the person with ASD and facilitate their inclusion in all community areas. To this end, structured teaching is one of the fundamental pillars of this methodology: the organization of physical space, the structuring of time, the development of work systems, etc. Through the design of individualized support and the use of visual supports, facilitate the understanding of the environment and the participation of the person with ASD. This webinar will review the fundamental principles of structured teaching and analyze digital applications that facilitate its implementation.

10/02/2021 20:00 - 21:00 (Madrid)

'Vamping': the sleep thief

Between 20 and 48% of the adult population, and at least 20% of the infant population, suffer from some form of sleep related problem. This has a neurological, but also technological origin, by that we mean “Vamping”. The term vamping refers to the phenomenon by which people, usually teenagers, use electronic devices (mobile, tablet, computer, etc.) at night, reducing the necessary hours of sleep. In this webinar, neurologist Angela Milan will address the health consequences of this on children (some you couldn't even imagine) and give us some advice on how to prevent them from doing it.

08/02/2021 18:00 - 19:30 (Madrid)

Technology and autism, apps for reading and teaching math

Technology is an undisputed aid for the development of academic skills, and is necessary to know what it can offer students with autism prior to their use in the classroom. In this webinar we will show you some interesting resources in order to be able to address the initial reading and calculation skills, explaining what factors to consider and suggesting proposals for creative activities that combine applications and other materials.

04/02/2021 20:00 - 21:00 (Madrid)

Webinar: Do we know how Tik Tok works? a user guide for parents

Tiktokers are increasing, and they appear to have been reproducing during confinement, so the data says. According to a study by IPG MediaBrand, Tik Tok has gained 60% users during the state of alarm. And while we've all heard of this social network, do we really know how our children's new favorite app works? To ensure your safety in this "space" we have to visit it, travel through it, in short, inside out. That is why we will give a webinar in which someone from the social network itself will give us a crash course. Something like: Tik Tok for dummies.

19/01/2021 21:00 - 22:00 (Madrid)

Educar la mirada (Educate the way we see): critical thinking and screens

At what age would you allow your child to swim in a swimming pool on his own? Could you guess? No, because the answer has nothing to do with age. The answer is: when he can swim. The same is the case for the first mobile phone. What's the right age? There isn´t one. The answer should be: when my child is ready to surf the Internet alone. And for this as parents we play a fundamental role. Among many other things, our mission is to educate how they look at things. If not, they will access the virtual world thinking that it is real, their self-esteem will be heavily affected, getting frustrated, seeing as ideal people who are not real... The philosopher and author of the book 'El arte de pensar' ('The Art of Thinking') José Carlos Ruiz will help parents reflect on this issue and gradually educate their children's vision so that when they access the virtual world they will have the critical thinking process OFF switch activated (as he calls it) and know how to differentiate between what the real world is and what the virtual world is.

21/12/2020 20:00 - 21:00 (Madrid)

Patricia Ramirez: How to be your child´s best influencer at Christmas

Psychologist Patricia Ramirez gave us a number of keys to fulfilling our purpose this Christmas: to become the best influencer for our children. Among them were, value them a lot in order to improve their self-esteem, talk about feelings at home, allow them to live all the emotions, to lead by example.. In this live video Carmen Rodríguez, one of her daughters also took part, who spoke about home rules and make use of love technology...

21/12/2020 18:30 - 20:30 (Madrid)

The importance of games in communicative development. Technology as an ally.

Games are a fundamental activity for children’s development and in children with autism, it is often difficult knowing how to play, which activities are most appropriate and which toys or applications to offer to the smallest members of the house. Carmen Monsalve together with Lupe Montero will show us the most appropriate activities and resources at each evolutionary moment. Will you come with us?

17/12/2020 18:00 - 19:00 (Madrid)

Marian Rojas: How to be your children's best influencer this Christmas

'Influencer': A person who has some credibility on a subject. Parents have been influencers for our children for several years. But soon there comes a time when that influence diminishes. They get older and our words sound like sermons in their heads. This Christmas can be a very good opportunity to again become the influencer they need. To make the task easier for us, from FamilyOn we have asked Marián Rojas Estapé for help.

10/12/2020 18:00 - 19:00 (Madrid)

Lucia, my pediatrician: How to be your children's best influencer this Christmas

"Mom, stop bugging me" This phrase rings a bell, doesn't it? It´s our kids favorite when they reach adolescence. Suddenly, everything we tell them, sounds like sermons, being telling off... So that this does not happen to us, Lucia Galán (Lucia, my pediatrician) will share some of the tips with us that she puts in place as a mother so that she is able to continue influence her children.

25/11/2020 22:00 - 23:00 (Madrid)

Webinar: Do you know the impact technologies have on your children's brains?

Technologies have an impact on our brains and those of our children. Knowing this is essential to make intelligent and responsible use of them. This webinar will be taught by the psychologist and doctor of education Rafa Guerrero, specialist in neuropsychology and ADHD.

05/11/2020 18:00 - 19:00 (Madrid)

Webinar: Keys to approaching sex education with your children

Children who have access to technological devices are getting even younger which has meant that among the information they can receive may also include pornography. Which produces data as chilling as: 10% of internet porn consumers are under the age of 10. Furthermore, according to Pornhub, the world's largest pornography website, pornographic content during the first few weeks of confinement consumption increased by 61.3% in Spain. Faced with this picture, many experts warn that if we do not offer early sex education from homes, schools... our children will be educated by pornography, with the consequences. We will talk about this subject to the sexologist Lara Avargues, who will give us guidelines on how to address this issue with our children.