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Protecting health and well-being
Curso que cubre la competencia 4.3 Protección de la Salud del Marco Común de Cometencia Digital. El uso de las TIC y la salud tienen una estrecha relación, la desarrollaremos en este curso.
This course is an introduction for teachers to the Digital Skills for Life and Employment course. It aims to provide a framework and methodological support to all those teachers who want to work on the Digital Skills for Life and Employment course with their students, or simply want to improve their teaching skills in the area of digital skills in general. Through this introductory course, you will learn how to get the most out of the course for students: you will learn how to work digital skills based on the needs of your group of students, with active methodologies and by projects, enhancing the simultaneous work of cross-section competencies, and finally planning the course to suit your class.
A MOOC course to learn about the safe and responsible use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). The course covers a variety of subjects including digital identity, network privacy management, netiquette and risks for teens on the network. Estimated total time needed: 10 hours
A MOOC course to learn about the safe and responsible use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). The course covers a variety of subjects including digital identity, network privacy management, netiquette and risks for teens on the network. Estimated total time needed: 10 hours
This course aims to make it easier for entities and schools to adapt their classrooms in line with the process of methodological change being experienced. Through analysis of different best practices in the design of classrooms and learning areas, teachers will be able to have some guidelines in order to improve the quality of their spaces, as well as manuals to design and build pieces of furniture for their classroom with their students.