Welcome to the GarageLab course "Design Thinking for Students". With this course we want to bring the Design Thinking methodology closer to your classrooms. This is a tool that will allow you to reinforce the processes of creation in classes and will also allow you to be the real protagonists of your learning.
Introduction to Design Thinking: Origin, benefits and methodology stages
Introduction and description of each phase: Empathize, Define, Ideas, Prototyping and Evaluate
This course is an introduction for teachers to the Digital Skills for Life and Employment course. It aims to provide a framework and methodological support to all those teachers who want to work on the Digital Skills for Life and Employment course with their students, or simply want to improve their teaching skills in the area of digital skills in general. Through this introductory course, you will learn how to get the most out of the course for students: you will learn how to work digital skills based on the needs of your group of students, with active methodologies and by projects, enhancing the simultaneous work of cross-section competencies, and finally planning the course to suit your class.
Improve your skills with Arduino!
If you are here, it's because you already know what Arduino is and how to program it, but ...How far can we go? With this course you will see that the possibilities of Arduino are almost endless, and you will find out about the great variety of projects that you can create. Do you dare to continue improving your programming skills and go into depth with robotics wit Arduino? Let's go!
A didactic game format course, aimed at all those people who want to get to know the benefits that the correct treatment of mobile terminals can have. Especially designed for the Educational Community as an easy tool to transmit the value of recycling in the classroom.
Curso que cubre la competencia 4.3 Protección de la Salud del Marco Común de Cometencia Digital. El uso de las TIC y la salud tienen una estrecha relación, la desarrollaremos en este curso.