A MOOC course to learn about the safe and responsible use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). The course covers a variety of subjects including digital identity, network privacy management, netiquette and risks for teens on the network. Estimated total time needed: 10 hours
A MOOC course to learn about searching for content on the Internet, how to access and use the contents found according to the licenses they have. Estimated total time needed: 6 hours.
A MOOC course to learn about the safe and responsible use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). The course covers a variety of subjects including digital identity, network privacy management, netiquette and risks for teens on the network. Estimated total time needed: 10 hours
Curso que cubre la competencia 4.1 Protección del dispositivo del Común de Cometencia Digital. Aprenderemos a proteger dispositivos que usamos en nuestro día a día y en nuestra labor profesional. Así como maneras de transmitir esta información a nuestros alumnos.