La fabricación digital se presenta como una herramienta revolucionaria en todos los aspectos, pero quizá uno de los más interesantes es su utilidad como herramienta en el aula. Por un lado porque estamos hablando de adquirir competencias que directamente faciliten encontrar empleo el día de mañana, por otro, porque el acercamiento a estas tecnologías traen implícitas -además de lo técnico- un fuerte componente social; nos pone en bandeja acercar y demostrar las virtudes de lo colaborativo frente al individualismo agresivo en el que estamos sumidos.
Este curso de introducción a la fabricación digital es abierto en tanto que se dirige a profesores, alumnos y cualquier persona con el interés de adentrarse en el mundo del diseño y la fabricación digital. El curso se concentra en dos áreas específicas; el diseño 2D vectorial y el diseño o modelado 3D, cada cual dirigida a tecnologías como el corte láser o la impresión 3D que convierten nuestros diseños en objetos tangibles.
El curso está estructurado micro píldoras de vídeo para facilitar la asimilación de los contenidos de la forma más eficiente posible. Los vídeos van acompañados del material didáctico necesario para la realización de ejercicios prácticos que implementen las herramientas aprendidas durante el curso.
Professor in Product Design - University of Navarra and ESNE University School of Design, Innovation and Technology. Director of Los Hacedores (the Doers)
Founder of the school and design studio Los Hacedores, specializing in digital making. He holds a BBAA degree from UCM with extensive training and experience in the field of computing, design and manufacturing. He has specialized in the creation of synthetic imaging as well as the making of physical prototypes through 3D software, digital making and traditional tools working mainly in the development of contemporary art projects, space design and product design. As a teacher, he gives classes at university level in centers such as ESNE, the IED and the University of Navarra, where he is currently a teacher of product design. In addition, he teaches digital making classes to teachers and students of Fp Básica (basic professional training) in different centers in Madrid. He is an expert in Mode (The Foundry) and Fusion 360 (Autodesk), but above all, he is a fan of reality/representation problems and his mission as a teacher is to reduce the distance between imagination and the real world.
Professor of Additive Making - Francisco de Vitoria University. Designer Specialized in Digital Making. Content Developer at Wikifactory. Professor at Domestika.
Professor at Francisco de Vitoria University, Designer Specialized in Digital Making and Sustainable Materials. Content Creator specialized in product design, education and digital making. Graduated in Design from UCM and with a Master's Degree in Technological Project Management from UNIR. He has extensive experience in the development of digital making projects with industry-leading companies, working on accessibility, functionality and use of sustainable materials. In the educational field training both face-to-face and online and at all levels. He teaches Additive Making at Francisco de Vitoria University and also gives training in Digital Making to professors and students of Basic FP and non-profit entities. In addition, he develops online design courses at Domestika and collaborates on open-source projects with the digital making community.